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abortion ‏ pregnancy

لقد وصلت إلى النقطة الصعبة التي قررت فيها إنهاء الحمل (الإجهاض).

هذا الإجراء الطبي له معنى عاطفي عميق ومن المهم اتخاذ قرار بشأنه بكل إخلاص وجدية.

فيما يلي معلومات أساسية بخصوص إنهاء الحمل (الإجهاض).

في هذه الحالات، من المهم تنفيذ اللجنة والإجراء نفسه بسرعة وسرية وبمرافقة شخصية.

يتم تنفيذ كل من بدء الحمل وإنهاءه (حبوب أو شفط/كشط) في مركز عتديم الطبي،

وهو مركز طبي معترف به من قبل وزارة الصحة. 

يتمتع أطباؤنا بخبرة كبيرة في مثل هذه الحالات، وسيرافقونك طوال العملية حتى نهايتها.

تعد السرعة عنصرًا مهمًا وحتى حاسمًا ويمكنك هنا ملاحقته خلال 24-48 ساعة تقريبًا.


إذا كنت ترغبين في إنهاء الحمل فورًا وبأمان وتكتم

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How is this done? Termination of pregnancy (abortion)
How is that done?
Termination of pregnancy (abortion) with medication:
It is possible to medically terminate the pregnancy immediately after the delay of the menstrual cycle and up to the seventh week of pregnancy. This method is considered very effective and safe and does not require hospitalization or close medical supervision. It includes the use of two different types of pills, which are responsible for stopping the development of the pregnancy and then causing the uterus to contract and eject its contents.
In the days following the treatment, there may be side effects that may include: pains and cramps (such as "menstrual pains") of varying intensity, vaginal bleeding, nausea and vomiting, change in appetite, change in mood and symptoms of fever. In any case, if the side effect persists or intensifies, the attending gynecologist should be consulted.


Surgical termination of pregnancy (abortion):

Termination of pregnancy (abortion) is also called surgical termination of pregnancy and is performed under general anesthesia by a team of gynecologists and anesthesiologists. This procedure is suitable in cases where the gestational age reaches 12 weeks, although there are medical centers where this procedure is performed up to the 24th week. During the treatment, the surgeon withdraws the contents of the uterus. After that, time is needed for supervision and follow-up in the hospital. It is a simple procedure, but like any other surgical procedure, it may also lead to complications in rare cases that require proper and immediate treatment.
In the days following the surgery, there may be side effects that may include: nausea or vomiting, vaginal bleeding and pain in the uterine area.

abortion ‏ pregnancy pills
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